Morning Manna Zoom

...Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

Luke 5:16

The Morning Manna Zoom Call (TMMZC) is a daily consecration call designed to help us "collect" our "Manna" for the day.
The TMMZC is a 6:30am EST Morning Zoom Call that usually ends at 7:30am EST.   While everyone doesn't attend the call everyday,  the call remains an  invaluable tool available to Saints who, on any given day, might need to be lifted up in the Spirit.  All Disciples are welcome to join regardless of Ministry affiliations.  
Click any of the below flyers at the appropriate event times and you will be linked to the call,  We look forward to you joining us !!
(The Zoom application is required)

Prayer Requests

If you would like to write us a prayer request, please fill out the form below.
We will be glad to pray for you at our next Zoom Consecration Call