Our primary way of receiving donations is by way of the secure application on this page to your right. All funds donated through this application go directly to the Non-Profit Church Organization First Century Christ Church. The application is a secure 3-Party application that the Church body is currently using. You can also access this application by texting FCCCMinistries to the following toll-free (888) 364-4483 and you will receive a link in which you can make a donation.
We currently do not have a means by which you can give in-person, unless you would like to visit our Church "studio office" (Which is on our apartment :). Seriously though, if for some reason you did visit us in The Bronx, New York, that would be the only way you could make a donation in person.
Make all checks out to First Century Christ Church
Mail all Checks to:
First Century Christ Church
3555 Bainbridge Ave, Suite 5J
Bronx, New York, 10467