Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
First Century Christ Church - Ministries (FCCCM) is the support arm of First Century Christ Church. FCCCM works with Disciples to "Birth" their own Ministries and Church Fellowship Movements. If you have a Ministry calling or even if you already have a Church planted, we are here to help you. Everything from Ministry Covering to Peer-to-Peer support, FCCCM will stand by you and walk with you as long as the Lord leads. You only need to reach out to us.

Active FCCCM Affiliations
Overseer Marcel & Pastor Ruth Langhorn
The Langhorn's are the Pastor's of Dunamis Discipleship Deliverance Ministries (D3). There calling is to raise up the "Tribe of Issachar", a prophetic generation of seer's who can understand the times. They believe in discipleship by the Dunamis Power of the Holy Spirit,
Pastor Trena Houston
Pastor Trena Houston is the founder of Greater Grace Ministries which is Church planting in the State of Georgia. They are currently running 2 services a week, FCCCM is Pastor Houston's covering.
Join the Team
If you have a Ministry vision and looking for a covering or support realizing that vision please, first pray about it
and if the Spirit leads fill out the contact info below. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
and if the Spirit leads fill out the contact info below. We will get back to you as soon as we can.